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All United locations will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. You can access your accounts anytime through Digital Banking, the Mya Voice Assistant, or ATMs.

How Will Extra Payments Affect My Loan?

By nature, loans cause you to pay a sometimes significant amount of money in interest. However, there may be a way for you to decrease the total amount of interest you will pay on your loan and pay off your loan faster with small additional monthly payments toward your debt. Use this calculator to see how extra payments will affect your loan.

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further reading

Advice Hub Article: Ways to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Paying Off Credit Card Debt

Advice Hub | 12/16/2024

Discover four actionable methods to reduce and eliminate credit card debt. Learn about debt consolidation, budgeting tips, and effective repayment strategies to regain financial freedom.

Advice Hub Article: Balance Transfers 101

How to Use a Credit Card Balance Transfer

Advice Hub | 11/18/2024

Learn how to transfer credit card balances, choose the best cards, manage fees, and repay debt effectively to reduce high-interest costs.

Advice Hub Article: Budget for the New Year

On Your Way to a Better Budget

Advice Hub | 12/19/2023

As you take the steps for control of your money, you'll find financial success is much more likely.

Advice Hub Article: Consolidate Debt

How to Consolidate Debt with a Plan

Advice Hub | 3/26/2022

Debt consolidation is important for a healthy financial future, and knowing how to consolidate debt is the first step to building an action plan.